Two hundred thirty-six small-scale business owners benefited in the “Angat Pangkabuhayan Project”, a livelihood program initiated by Mayor Nato and under the supervision of Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer, Lilibeth Abrenica.
Angat Pangkabuhayan Project was launched last March 23, 2017 giving financial assistance without interest to improve the economic status of the small-scale business owners and families. Mayor Nato believes that Villasis is the only one implementing this kind of scheme.
Out of 236 beneficiaries, 209 old beneficiaries received Php 7,000 while 27 new beneficiaries received 5,000 pesos. The payment scheme will be on a daily basis collection; the recipients of Php 7,000 will be paying Php 70 a day, on the other hand, recipients of Php 5,000 will be paying Php 50 a day, payable for 100 days.
During the distribution, Mrs. Brigida Osias, one of the beneficiaries, extended her gratitude towards the local government for implementing the Angat Pangkabuhayan Project.