by: Merly Sepnio-Zambrano
Villasis Municipal Library joined in the nationwide celebration of 59th Public Library Day in the Philippines on March 9, 2018. Two activities were conducted. First is the Artists in the Making, participated by 22 Grade 2 to 4 pupils of the various public schools of the municipality. With the presence of Brgy. Kgd. Jacinto “Johnson” M. Sales, III as the Lecturer, the participants were taught about Art lessons, Sketching in two and three dimension, color rendering/mixing and color mingling. At the end of the mini workshop, the participant were able to create their own colorful output. Mr. Sales chose three participants whose work were rated A+. They were Jasmine, Rhiane, and Kailee. They received sketching and coloring materials as their prizes courtesy of Mr. Astrophel and Mrs. Rose Ragasa of United Kingdom.
Another activity, the actual demo and grafting of desert rose (popularly called Calachuchi) for women just in time with the celebration of Women’s Month. The activity was conducted to teach womenhow to grow and graft desert rose. More and more individuals are venturing this kind of business. And according to them,it has become a good source of their income. Inspired by their success stories, we informed and invited interested women to attend said demo & discussion. Participants did the actual grafting. The activity was facilitated by Mrs. Edna S. Pagulayan, Municipal Agriculture Technologist with the assistance of Mrs. Myrna O. Torralba and Mrs. Shirley G. Sales, TLE teachers of Don Ramon E. Costales Memorial National High School.
The event was also graced by Mayor Nonato S. Abrenica, Municipal Mayor, who gave a message to the participants. He mentioned and commended the staff of Villasis Municipal Library for conducting various innovative services.